A Message to Our Community

To Our Reinas,
These times are unprecedented, and we know everyone is learning to adapt to our new circumstances. Yes, Reina Rebelde is a makeup company, but more fundamentally, we are members of this community. During these times, supporting and helping people around us is our top priority. We believe that the strength of our combined responses will protect and sustain all of us through the crisis. Si se puede.
We are asking for your input and participation in the following ways:
- Share helpful or important information with us, so that we may use our platform to spread the message.
- Share your personal experience with us, so that we can connect with and support you.
- Send us a direct message on Instagram or email us if you want to share your story with our audience through our IG Takeover for a Cause. We want people who have been impacted by this pandemic to share their stories with the community and give us insight on how we can all help. Reina Rebelde will be donating 25% of sales to your charity of choice.
- Send us names of nonprofit organizations that we need to know about that are supporting people during this time.
- Finally, tell us what kind of content you would like to see from us to entertain, distract, inform or support you.
It may seem like we are acting alone, but we are ALL in this together. I look forward to hearing from you.
Regina (Founder of Reina Rebelde)