Everyone on the Reina Rebelde team is obsessed with their perrito and discussing all things Latina makeup -- two things we take great pride in and discuss on the regular.

This is a picture of mi adorado, Maximus, may he rest in peace. I loved this dog more than life itself. He was my loyal and super mischievous dog of almost 16 years. He supported me through many different phases of my life - especially sitting at my feet while I struggled to leave my old career as a lawyer to develop and launch Reina Rebelde. He always ate all the treats on my Día de Los Muertos altar, tried to eat the tip of my Xicana lipstick one day, and loved nothing more than a bacon quesadilla. The only testing I ever did on him was by accident: I gave him at least 50 besitos daily and usually left him covered in Brava - so thanks to him, we know our products are beso proof. Like you, we love our furry babies and are committed to keeping our entire collection - including our Bolsa and especially our bad-ass brush set - cruelty free. xx Regina